Discover the revolutionary Off-Museum White Rabbit together with Seeds XR innovation!

At White Rabbit · The Off-Museum, they break away from the conventional. Here, you don’t just observe the exhibits; you interact with them in a really innovative way, merging the physical world with Virtual Reality. Bring to life the legendary story of Sant Jordi thanks to our advanced CGI technology. Join epic adventures with knights and dragons, immersing yourself in a world of fantasy and tradition like never before.

We have also captured the essence of Correfocs with the latest in immersive technology. Enjoy a night of fire and sparks in slow motion, feeling the intensity and excitement of this vibrant Catalan tradition.

And finally, don’t miss our exclusive 360-degree video experience of the castells. Feel like the enxaneta in the heart of the human tower and experience the emotion and tradition from within, living the unique perspective of being at the top of a castell.

Come and live a unique cultural experience that only Seeds XR can offer you in the VR room of the White Rabbit Museum!

For more information: Radiotelevisión Española.

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