Last Thursday, September 19th, SEEDSXR had the honour of participating in the 14th Meeting of Innovative Centres. An event organised by the DIM-EDU EDUCATIONAL NETWORK, the CIC Foundation, the Catalan Society of Pedagogy, and the ESPIRAL Association, which brought together leaders in educational innovation. The event, held at the CIC Cultural Institution in Barcelona, combined in-person and online activities. Enabling the exchange of knowledge and experiences on key topics in contemporary education, such as educational robotics, artificial intelligence, and digital competence for teachers.
With a total of 471 participants and 29 speakers, including masterclasses and panel discussions, the event established itself as a meeting point for education professionals, including managers, innovation coordinators, and teachers of all levels.
Educational innovation through virtual reality
At the SEEDSXR stand, attendees had the opportunity to learn about our immersive audiovisual projects and capsules. Throughout the day, more than a dozen people immersed themselves in our virtual reality experiences, pleasantly surprised by the ability of these technologies to transform how teaching and learning take place. All participants praised the immersive quality of our educational experiences, sparking interest in our workshops.
Pau Font’s talk: Educational innovation and transformation
One of the key moments of our participation was the “flash” talk by Pau Font, Director of Education and Training at SEEDSXR. Who in five minutes presented the main innovations that our company is bringing to the education sector. The presentation was brief but impactful, generating notable interest among the event’s attendees, who later approached our stand to delve deeper into SEEDSXR’s proposals.
This 14th edition of the Meeting of Innovative Centres reaffirmed the importance of innovation in education. For SEEDSXR, it was an opportunity to connect with industry professionals and demonstrate how immersive experiences can enrich learning. We thank everyone who participated and shared their feedback with us, and we continue to work towards transforming the future of education with cutting-edge technology.