May 17th was the International Day Against LGTBIphobia. Today, May 22nd, at the Rector Gabriel Ferraté Library, we participated in the premiere of the video “Open Your Eyes to LGTBI-Phobia” produced by SEEDSXR with UPC students.
From SEEDSXR, we recorded the VR video on LGTBI-Phobia at the North Campus of the UPC. This content is actually available for high schools and universities. The goal is to raise awareness about the issue, advocate for sexual diversity, and combat homophobia and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. We are proud to be part of this great project together with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).
Synopsis: In a space within the university, a group of students harasses others because of their gender orientation. In response, several witnesses intervene to defend the victims and condemn the bullies. The video shows the aggressive language used to ridicule, but also the arguments to stand up against such behaviour.
Did you know?
80% of LGTB+ people worldwide have experienced some form of discrimination throughout their lives. This ranges from verbal abuse to physical violence. Our capsule on LGTBphobia explores these painful realities and offers an immersive perspective to foster empathy and understanding. 🌈 We are all in International Day against LGTBIphobia together!